"Now these three remain; faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." ~ 1 Corinthians 13:13
Our Family

Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Miracle of Life
Saturday, September 26, 2009
School Break Again, and again, and again
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hollywood Remembers
He was born in Houston, Texas. He met his wife at age 18 (Patrick) and she was 14, in his mom's dance studio. He was married to the same lady, Lisa Niemi for 34 years. June 12, 1975 (My parents were married July 26, 1975). (A rare thing, not just in Hollywood anymore). They lived on a ranch in Los Angeles, called "Rancho Bizarro." Everything I can find, seems that he was a really descent, good guy. The thing that really got my attention about him, was that he and his wife, never had children. They were never able to have them under their own power. His wife, had 2 miscarriages, but never a successful pregnancy. At age 53, he was considering adoption, but never went through with it. I don't know why, but here's a few quotes from him.
“I don’t know what the key to a 30-year marriage is. I suppose it’s about keeping love alive, learning how to fall in love over and over again, not taking each other for granted, forgiveness, trust. Whatever it is, it works for us.”
I was born to be a dad and we have the perfect life for kids," he says, wistfully.
"We are still thinking of adopting, but you have to consider the child and not yourself. Living on a ranch teaches you a great deal about the cycle of life and, if you adopt a child, you have to be certain it is for the right reason."
"That's one thing I'm not gonna do, is chase, is chase staying alive. I'm not, you know, you'll spend so much time chasing staying alive you won't live, you know? I wanna live." ( thought this was a true and powerful quote from him).
I guess, I just find it sad that it seems like both him and his wife wanted children of their own very much. I don't know why they waited so late and now it's too late. He was a very talented. He even sang the song " She's like the Wind" from in the movie "Dirty Dancing" It's sad how quickly he went down and changed. (1952-2009)

Class Website
Saturday, September 12, 2009
New Baby Sheep are Here!
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day at the Lake
Today, (Monday) I haven't done much of anything. I haven't felt the best today, allergies I think, so I have done a lot of sitting around. I did manage to cook supper, grade some papers, and a little bit of laundry done, but nothing much other than that. Kevin had to work today, but thankfully he got to stop at a decent time today and it right now enjoying the Florida State game, while I am suppose to be finishing up lesson plans. ;0) I am glad we have a 4 day week this week. I wish we did every week, but at the same time it's hard to believe we are in the 4th week of school. Last week was a very hard and long week. I hope this week goes by faster and is much better. So far, everyone down here is staying healthy and well, except for allergies. I pray it stays that way. Not many of my kids have been out for major sickness. My mom gave Kevin and I our flu shots this weekend, so I hope we both can stay well.
Are you ready for some Football?!
Yes, it is here once again, that glorious time of the year. No, not Christmas, but Football season according to my husband. Kevin lives for Carolina Gamecock football. He is depressed when the last game ends and is over joyed when the first game begins. Every year he says that he wishes football season was all year long. I on the other hand am so thankful it's not. And I am also thankful that this is the only sport and team that he really cares anything about; he's not a sports fanatic like I know some guys are. Even though he has watched his share of Braves baseball and he will watch any other college football game that comes on tv. Anyway, "Christmas" began Thursday night at our house. Kevin celebrated by watching the Carolina game and the blue field game, sorry at this moment can't remember the name. I celebrated by falling asleep at 8:00 on Thursday night and woke up about 9:00 when Kevin told me to go to bed, he said I was snoring too loud for him to concentrate. :0) Abby followed. I really don't mind. This is his only hobby. I hope that this year he will get to go to at least 1 or 2 games. He didn't get to go to any last year, but he was a very good sport about it. I bought Abby a little jersey to wear for the games. Kevin told me that he wanted one too. At least for this weekend we were both happy because Carolina won and Clemson won! GOOOOO Tigers! Today I put out our "House/Divided" flag in the yard, similar to the one I have on here.
My computer wouldn't let me fix Abby's eyes so they didn't glow.Wednesday, September 2, 2009
3rd Grade Funny
First Funny: Yesterday. One of my students had an early dismissal in the afternoon. So I told her that she had an early dismissal and she needed to get packed up. She continued to just sit and daydream. I came over to the child 3 different times telling her to get packed up, someone was waiting on her and she needed to go. She finally gets up to get her book bag. She comes back to her seat with her book bag...on her HEAD! Her whole head was inside her book bag and she was walking around with it on her head. (*Never have I seen this before.) So I come over to her to tell her to take the book bag off her head and get packed up. She finally gets everything packed up and goes to the door. She opens the door walks out and comes back in. She says "no one else is out here" (meaning there were no other children because she thought it was time for everyone to leave). I said "Yes I know, you have an early dismissal it's not time for everyone else to leave. And not joking or trying to be funny, this is my brightest child in my class and she is in the gifted program too! I was like oh my gosh! I couldn't get her for anything to understand the importance of hurrying up and leaving.
Second Funny: Today. One of my most demanding of my attention children, came up to me after lunch saying he had a cut in his mouth and it was hurting. I told him that I was sorry and the nurse had already gone home for the day (this was in the afternoon) and for him to have a seat. A few minutes later I look at him, and he has a band-aide trying to put it in his mouth to help "fix" his cut. (*Never have I seen that one before either) But in case you don't have kids or don't know, a band-aide can make anything "magically" better. I mean it, they think a band-aide could solve anything. Back to my story, I was like, no! A band-aide can't go in your mouth. Throw that away. I'm sorry you have a cut, but a band-aide isn't going to help.
Wow! and it's just Wednesday!