"Now these three remain; faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." ~ 1 Corinthians 13:13
Our Family

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Flying the Coop
I've haven't see this door of the
houses opened before. I missed
that last year.
Merry Christmas!
Emily and Todo
As you can see, Riggs has grown a lot!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Baby Harter has arrived!
You can view pictures of Addie Grace at this website: The pictures will be up until the 2nd of Jan. http://www.bellababyphotography.com/login
password: addiegrace1218
I thought this was a really cool website to post baby pictures. I have never seen this before.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Break is Here!
11:15 am yesterday, I was singing and jumping about, because my Christmas break had begun. The kids were all gone and I was free for the next 2 weeks. I called my dad after the kids were gone and found out that they wouldn't be able to come down to visit yesterday because they had gotten snow, sleet, and lots of it. The roads were really bad. I talked to my mom this morning and she said that it had snowed all night, but they were planning on come down today. The roads were clearing up and it didn't seem too bad to travel.
Last night I watched two holiday movies that were very good. One was on the Lifetime channel called "Holiday Switch" and it was about this girl that married her high school sweetheart, had two kids and were happy, however they didn't have a lot of money and were struggling to make payments on their bills. She went out shopping and ran into her old boyfriend (the one she dated before her husband) and he was very rich and successful. She started feeling like she had made the wrong choice. One night she went into the basement to do laundry and her a voice coming from the washing machine, opened the door and crawled through. Taking her to an alternate world where she was married to the rich guy instead. What she found out was that she still wasn't happy having all the money because her rich husband had cheated on her with the woman he was married to in the "real" life, and she realized that the life she did have was pretty great. She ends up getting back to her normal life and is very happy. The lesson she learned was that you can have everything in the world but if you don't have love, you have nothing.
The second movie I watched was called "The Nativity Story" it had come out about three years ago, but it was about Mary and Joesph. It was Biblical correct for the most part, but it was interesting to me because Lee had just preached about this last Sunday. But what it showed was how difficult it was for Mary and Joesph to bring baby Jesus into the world and the hardships they had to go through. They were shunned by family and friends from the beginning and had many trials apart and together. But it all worked out for God's ultimate, wonderful plan. I highly recommend both movies if you have a chance to watch them.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
A Visit From Santa
Tomorrow night they are calling for freezing rain, sleet, and possible snow flurries here. I won't hold my breath. My parents are suppose to come down for the weekend tomorrow. My dad's birthday is the 21st, so Saturday we were going to celebrate his birthday. Hopefully, the bad weather, if we get any, will hold off down here and in Greenville and anywhere in between until they can arrive safely.
Tomorrow is my last day before Christmas break. Yippee!!!!! The kids leave at 11:30, but they start calling buses at 11:15. We have a Christmas program and our class Christmas party (which a few naughty boys will be doing work instead of joining in on the fun). So tomorrow, should be a short and fun day for all.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Expect the Unexpected
*Luke 1:26-38
-When God shows up unexpected there's fear, overwhelmed, and anxiety. (Been there before?)
-The unexpected scares you. "Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be" -Luke 1:29
-What unexpected assignment has God given you that has scared you?
-sharing the gospel with a friend
-giving when it doesn't seem like you have enough to give
-a career transition
-foreign mission field
-Expect the unexpected with God and do not be afraid...
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever". -Isaiah 9:6-7
-The unexpected overwhelms you "How will this be," Mary asked the angel, "since I am a virgin?" Luke 1:34
-The unexpected sometimes leaves you with a sense of inadequacy and impossibility.
-It's not what you believe, but Who you believe in that makes it happen.
-The unexpected moves you to action. "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her. Luke 1:38
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8
As humans, we like to be the one in control. I like to be in control. I am the person in control in my classroom and when things start to get out of control, I get overwhelmed and do what I can to get the control back. Just the same as in my life outside of school. I like to have a plan for everything and for things to go in order, step by step. But being a teacher we have to learn how to be flexible and to expect the unexpected, just like in other areas of my life. Something Lee said this morning was "that when something unexpectedly happens to you, it wasn't a surprise to God, He planned it". He will calm our fears during a time of anxiousness and uncertainty. He is above all and will help us through whatever unexpected task or challenge that is thrown our way. We just have to remember to have faith in Him. He is never out of control and will control whatever is going on in our lives. It's hard not to worry or stress when life gets off track or when you are unsure as to what the future will hold; whether is the short future or distance future. We have to remember to pray for God's help in remembering that He will take of it and will take care of us. My past experience is that God always shows up and shows out unexpectedly and it always ends up being far better than I could have imgaine.
"For nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:38
Thursday, December 10, 2009
And you wonder why I'm crazy?!
8:30 am-During math, my students were working in groups comparing kilograms to pounds. One group had 2 boys and 2 girls. Boy 1 got made at boy 2 because boy 2 had knocked the weights off the scale. So boy 2 told boy 1 to do it himself. Boy 1 started throwing weights at boy 2. So boy 2 started pushing boy 1 and they kept going back and forth until I saw what was going on. I questioned both boys and sent them to the office. I questioned my girls to find out what had gone on. Both boys stayed in the office for about 40 minutes, then returned.
9:15 am-In the mean time, boy 3 and a girl were getting into a fuse, and the girl was in tears (this had been going on for awhile with these two) so I sent the girl to the guidance counselor to talk it out.
9:30 am- Boy 2 asks if he can go to the bathroom. Yes, I say. He returns, then my phone rings. It's a first grade teacher, telling me that boy 2 was in the bathroom throwing wet toilet paper up onto the ceiling (which for those that don't know, it sticks and stays on the ceiling, doesn't come back down). She told me that she told boy 2 she was going to call me and call Mrs. Selvey (the principal). So I question boy 2 about what happened in the bathroom and informed boy 2 that he had not gotten off to a good start to the day.
9:30-11:40 am- continue to have problems with boy 2 and with a few other students having to constantly remind them to sit correctly in their seat, stop talking while I was teaching, stop chasing one another around the classroom, do their work, stop playing around....etc, etc, etc.
11:40 am- boy 3 comes back to me from resource. He tells me that boy 4 needs to come with him to the resource room to get his ring back that boy 3 had stolen from him. (boy 4 wasn't at school on Tuesday and boy 3 find a ring of his and took it and put it in his book bag, without me knowing). So, off both boys go.
11:50 am- boy 1and boy 5 get into a fight at recess. Both boys are hitting one another, punching each other, boy 5 body slams boy 1 onto the ground (mind you, it had rained that morning, so they are on wet sand), then both boys are rolling around on the ground fighting. So, I, along with another 3rd grade teacher, go running over to them. They stop when we get there. I walk both boys to the office, asking them "what in the world were you thinking?" and asking for them to inform me of what started this fight. Boy 5 tells me that boy 1 was messing with him and wouldn't stop, so he hit him. Boy 1 said he didn't do anything or say anything. (boy 1 never starts it or does anything, but always seems to be guilty...hmmm....) I told them I was very disappointed in them and that I was not at all happy with them.
12:15 pm- Lunch: realize that boy 3 never came back from the resource teacher but boy 4 did. I ask boy 4 what happened, and he said that boy 3 got into trouble with the resource teacher. So I sent boy 4 to get boy 3 for lunch. He comes back and tells me that boy 3 is in the hallway with the resource teacher. I go out there and the resource teacher tells me that she's taking him to the office, because he stole the other boy's ring, was playing with it during her class. She didn't tell boy 3 to come get boy 4, so he lied to me as well, boy 3 came to get boy 4 because he wanted him to get into trouble because he threatened boy 3 because he stole his ring.
12:20 pm- Lunch: I have to get onto boy 2 about playing fighting at the lunch table. Tell him to stop and he continues, so he gets moved to a new spot.
12:30 pm- Lunch, leaving lunch and Mrs. McCormick didn't get to eat lunch.
1:00 pm-lining up to go to library, I have to get onto boy 2 again, this time I tell boy 2 that I'm calling his daddy. I take the kids to library, and boy 2 and I go to call his dad. Left a message. Send boy 2 back to the library. A few minutes later, boy 2's dad calls, I inform boy 2's dad what had happened that day (the dad works at the high school and is a football coach). Dad informs me that he will be over there in 20 minutes. Dad comes and gets boy 2 and they go to the parking lot to "talk", then dad brings him back.
1:45 pm- In the office, with my two other boys, and boy 5 asks me if they are going to get a write up. I say yes, I just haven't had the chance to write one yet. So, I start to fill it out for both boys.
2:00 pm- Pick up class from library (had planned on eating lunch during this time, but didn't get the chance)
2:30 pm- Mrs. Selvey calls the students that got a write up to the office everyday at this time to deliver their punishment. She calls " Boy 1, Boy 2, Boy 3, Boy 5, and boy that isn't in my class". So, 4 out of 5 of the write ups for Wednesday came from my class. The other boy was a third grader in a different class.
2:45 pm- Kids leave, thank the Lord! Results....
-Boy 1: 3 days suspended due to it was his third write up for fighting, so he will be back on Tuesday.
-Boy 2: 2 days of after school detention, Thursday and Monday, cleaning bathrooms.
-Boy 3: 2 days suspended for minor theft charge.
-Boy 5: 2 days suspended for fighting.
3:00 pm-Mrs. McCormick gets to enjoy her lunch, sit down, and listen to sounds of an empty classroom.
Today was a very enjoyable day and probably the first day in a very long time that I actually enjoyed being at school and teaching. A very pleasant day. And tomorrow will be the same. Monday won't be too bad with boy 1 still out. But then, Tuesday....trying to hold down the fort until Friday. Also, Friday being a half day and Christmas program and class party, boy 1, 3,5 have lost the chance to go to the program and party and boy 2 the program. I have 6 days left of this madness! Thankfully I have 2 days off before it begins again.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Christmas Time is Coming
I am so thankfully for the weekends. I was able to sleep in this morning. Kevin came home at lunch and made me get up off the couch and work. :0) He helped me clean the house. After, he left I sat back down again to enjoy some more tv watching. Saturdays, watching tv, is my way of de-stressing from a hard week, and since we don't have any kids yet, it's very quiet and I can enjoy watching tv movies (I know one day that will change), just Abby and me. I did go to the store and do some school work, like grade papers. We both watched the SEC and ACC championship. I was so hoping that Florida would win, but let's face it, they just didn't play well at all this afternoon. I'm taking a break from the ACC game and I hope that Clemson pulls out a win. It's half time right now and they are 17-13 GA Tech. I also hope that Texas looses tonight too. It's been cold all this week and I'm glad. It finally seems like the holiday season that it is cold. My mom said that they were calling for snow in Greer, today, but they didn't get any. I so hope that this year when it snows, it will stick and I will get a day off from school to play. An item that has been on my Christmas list ever since I was a little girl was to see a white Christmas, to wake up Christmas morning and the ground to be covered with snow. But normally in the Greenville area, our snow comes in January-March. Our biggest snows normally come in March, crazy isn't it? Some areas out west and up north have already begun to get snow. Maybe this year we will get lucky with a good snow, you can always hope.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Kevin and I are so blessed to both have such wonderful families! We are so blessed to have each other and just are truly thankful for all that God had blessed us with. We are both so thankful to have a God that loves us and is in control and that we can put our faith and trust in. He is good at all times. There is nothing that He cannot do!
*On a serious and tragic note, Friday night we were informed that our former preacher of Taylors First Baptist Church, Dr. Frank Page, his oldest of three daughters, committed suicide Friday afternoon. She had fought a hard battle with cancer about a year ago and had been cancer free for a year and a half. The cancer wasn't back, but she and her husband had been having marital problems. They had been married for about 3-4 years. They had either separated or thought about it and she shot herself in the chest in her bathroom. I'm posting this for you to keep the family in your prayers. I can't imagine what they are going through and what she had gone through that drove her to that point of seeing no other way out. So, please keep that family in your prayers.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Tis the Season
*Enjoy the elf video below. I saw this on Mandy's blog and decided to help get you in the holiday mood. Kevin said that he didn't know he could move like that.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Update on Us
The weather here is so crazy. The beginning of the week last week, it was in the 40's and 50's and this weekend it's back in the upper 70's. I am ready for cold weather. It doesn't seem like the holidays when it's so warm. It's hard to believe that it will be Thanksgiving day in 11 more days. Then Christmas is right around the corner. Time is going fast, but I'm not complaining, I'm ready for June! (ha ha) Tomorrow it will be the 63 day of school; just 117 more days to go! This week will be a regular 5 day week, then next week we go Monday and Tuesday, then have the rest of the week off. Then we just have 3 weeks until Christmas break.
Kevin and I went over to visit his Aunt Arie yesterday. She is finally back at home; she came home on Wednesday. She looks like she's doing a lot better since we last saw her, which was in July, but she said that you had no idea how it was to go from being able to do everything yourself to having to totally rely on someone to do it for you. Her birthday is on Tuesday and she will be 81 years old. Our mennonite neighbors, Mr. Sam and Mrs. Mary invited us over for dinner last night. We had a great time and great food! It was also very interesting to Kevin and I to learn about the Amish ways and what they had to go through and how they are still not accepted by family because they left that lifestyle. They told us that they are so thankful that God got them out of that lifestyle and they realized who He was and the true way to get to heaven was through accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
I was really Alissa Stewart's blog (you can check it out on my blog) and she had these verses on there and I copied them to share with you. I could really relate to each one. I hope they will be some encouragement and peace to you as well.
Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:16-17
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.
2 Corinthians 4:17-18
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end;they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.“The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:22-24
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Veteran's Day
Today is Veteran's Day and for the first time in my school history, we are out of school. Normally on Veteran's Day we have a special program and invited Veteran's to come to the school so we can honor them. Last year at Kelly Edwards, we had a special program and Veteran's came to the school and we were able to show our appreciation for all they have done. My last year at Brushy Creek, I actually had one of my student's dads to come in and speak to the class. He was at home on leave from Germany. (I have enjoyed my day off , especially with the weather as bad as it is. I have been able to clean my house, go to the grocery store, and work on school work) With all that aside, ....my Papa lives next door to Taylors Elementary School. He was asked by the principal to come up to the school to eat lunch. Then tonight, Applebees had a special today, if you were a veteran or still active you could get a free entree at lunch or dinner. My mom was going to go with my dad (he served in the national guard) and my Papa (who severed in WWII and followed Paton, hit Normandy, and was 1 of 3 out of his crew to survive on that beach).
I just wanted to say "Thank You" to all the men and women that have served and are still serving in all branches of the military. Without you we wouldn't be free to live the way we do. I try hard to make my students understand the sacrifice that you have paid, but it's hard for me to understand it all that you have had to give up for our country.
I tried to post the music video of Toby Keith's "American Soldier" but it wouldn't allow me to play it from my blog. So here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qUzrueLin4 I think this song and video really reaches the the heart of an American soldier. Thanks for all you have done and still are doing. You pay the ultimate sacrifice.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Cookie Monster
I have noticed that all week, anytime I go to google, which I use google a lot, they have the Sesame Street characters as part of the word google. (which google is always changing the google sign on their page) anyway, today was Cookie Monster. Which I found out it was the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street. I just thought it was cute with the letters as Chocolate Chip cookies with milk dripping off them. I love cookies and sweets just about as much as the Cookie Monster. I was also a child that grew up on Sesame Street and loved it. I was mesmerize the first time I saw "Sesame Street Live". My children will be exposed to Sesame Street more than likely, more so than Barney. I'm not a big Barney fan. Just from all my babysitting I did when I was a teenager, never really liked Barney. Anyway......
Monday, November 2, 2009
Just for Teachers
This link was shared with me today by a fellow teacher at my school and I thought this was the neatest web site. It gives a weekly devotional for teachers. How cool is that! We so desperately need all the prayers and encouragement we can get. I just had to share. Even if you are not a teacher, but you work with kids, or even if you don't work with kids in any way and just need some encouragement, check out this website for Weekly Teacher Devotionals. So again, please pass this site along, especially if you know a teacher or are a teacher.
Newest Additions to the Family
Well, stopping by to see Peanut Butter lead to us seeing Ms. Helen. One of Mr. Tim's uncles or cousins had this Belgium horse that had a colt and he didn't want to keep the colt, so he gave it to Mr. Tim. She's younger than PB, but a lot taller and bigger. She was named for Mrs. Helen, one of Mrs. Katie's friends and also the mom of Kevin's friend Eric. Kevin and I got the scoop on how they came about naming her, but it's a long story and a funny one too. You'll just have to ask Mr. Tim, it's best for him to tell.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I recieved the below in an email today from Noelle. It was a forward. Normally, with forwards I either delate them or scan over them quickly then delate. However, this one caught my attention and I thought I would share it with you.
Dancing With God When I meditated on the word Guidance, I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky. When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing Lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other. My eyes drew back to the word Guidance. When I saw "G": I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i". "God, "u" and "i" dance." God, you, and I dance. As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead. My prayer for you today is that God's blessings and mercies are upon you on this day and everyday. May you abide in God, as God abides in you. Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through each season of your life.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Congratulations Taylor and Casey!
Congratulations to my cuz Taylor Scott and Casey Henley!
They just got engaged yesterday in Gatlinburg, TN. The wedding date hasn't been set yet, but will be within the year. I'm so happy for you both. Taylor, I have always thought of you as a brother and I am proud of the person you have become. Casey, you got a great guy there! I wish you both the best of happiness!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Blog Signature
I have noticed on other blogs, that people have their name or "signature" after their posting. I have always thought that was a neat thing. So, I decided to find out how to do that. After about two hours of searching, I came across the easy way, finally, to create my signature and for it to show each time I want to post something. I was very proud of myself for figuring it out. :0)
Encouraging Words
The first verse that I have for you actually came to me Thursday afternoon. I had to get the oil changed in my car. While I was waiting, they had several of the The Journey daily devotional books in the waiting area. I picked one up that had some titles that interested me and started reading.
" Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as in fact you are doing"
1 Thessalonians 5:11
"But encourage one another daily as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness."
Hebrews 3:13
"You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised."
Hebrews 10:36
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
Hebrews 12:11
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance."
James 1:2-3
"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor with Jesus Christ is revealed."
1 Peter 1:6-7
"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
Philippians 4:11
This is what I consider my life verse, this came to me spring of 2001 in my freshman year at NGC and I have held on to it since in all different situations.
"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves full to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
1 Corinthians 15:58
I hope that at least one of these verses will encourage you this week.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Animal Habitat Projects
Mushroom Tree
Ready for the big game
Kevin and Abby are ready for the big game tonight. It was cloudy all day today and started raining about 3:00. I have taken the day off today, by doing nothing. Abby and I slept in until 10:00 this morning which is late for me. I am normally up between 8:30-9:00 on even Saturdays. I used to always sleep until 10 or later, but not anymore. My body is so used to being up by 6:00 every school day, that I just don't sleep that late any more. But we have gotten caught up on our rest today. I watched tv movies until sometime this afternoon, then I have just played around on the computer. Now, Kevin's ready to watch football for the evening and I guess I'll work on grading papers and homework after fixing supper, whatever that will be. It has been a relaxing day and most definitely a day that you didn't want to venture outside unless you had to.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Update on Us
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Miracle of Life
Saturday, September 26, 2009
School Break Again, and again, and again
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hollywood Remembers
He was born in Houston, Texas. He met his wife at age 18 (Patrick) and she was 14, in his mom's dance studio. He was married to the same lady, Lisa Niemi for 34 years. June 12, 1975 (My parents were married July 26, 1975). (A rare thing, not just in Hollywood anymore). They lived on a ranch in Los Angeles, called "Rancho Bizarro." Everything I can find, seems that he was a really descent, good guy. The thing that really got my attention about him, was that he and his wife, never had children. They were never able to have them under their own power. His wife, had 2 miscarriages, but never a successful pregnancy. At age 53, he was considering adoption, but never went through with it. I don't know why, but here's a few quotes from him.
“I don’t know what the key to a 30-year marriage is. I suppose it’s about keeping love alive, learning how to fall in love over and over again, not taking each other for granted, forgiveness, trust. Whatever it is, it works for us.”
I was born to be a dad and we have the perfect life for kids," he says, wistfully.
"We are still thinking of adopting, but you have to consider the child and not yourself. Living on a ranch teaches you a great deal about the cycle of life and, if you adopt a child, you have to be certain it is for the right reason."
"That's one thing I'm not gonna do, is chase, is chase staying alive. I'm not, you know, you'll spend so much time chasing staying alive you won't live, you know? I wanna live." ( thought this was a true and powerful quote from him).
I guess, I just find it sad that it seems like both him and his wife wanted children of their own very much. I don't know why they waited so late and now it's too late. He was a very talented. He even sang the song " She's like the Wind" from in the movie "Dirty Dancing" It's sad how quickly he went down and changed. (1952-2009)

Class Website
Saturday, September 12, 2009
New Baby Sheep are Here!
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day at the Lake
Today, (Monday) I haven't done much of anything. I haven't felt the best today, allergies I think, so I have done a lot of sitting around. I did manage to cook supper, grade some papers, and a little bit of laundry done, but nothing much other than that. Kevin had to work today, but thankfully he got to stop at a decent time today and it right now enjoying the Florida State game, while I am suppose to be finishing up lesson plans. ;0) I am glad we have a 4 day week this week. I wish we did every week, but at the same time it's hard to believe we are in the 4th week of school. Last week was a very hard and long week. I hope this week goes by faster and is much better. So far, everyone down here is staying healthy and well, except for allergies. I pray it stays that way. Not many of my kids have been out for major sickness. My mom gave Kevin and I our flu shots this weekend, so I hope we both can stay well.
Are you ready for some Football?!
Yes, it is here once again, that glorious time of the year. No, not Christmas, but Football season according to my husband. Kevin lives for Carolina Gamecock football. He is depressed when the last game ends and is over joyed when the first game begins. Every year he says that he wishes football season was all year long. I on the other hand am so thankful it's not. And I am also thankful that this is the only sport and team that he really cares anything about; he's not a sports fanatic like I know some guys are. Even though he has watched his share of Braves baseball and he will watch any other college football game that comes on tv. Anyway, "Christmas" began Thursday night at our house. Kevin celebrated by watching the Carolina game and the blue field game, sorry at this moment can't remember the name. I celebrated by falling asleep at 8:00 on Thursday night and woke up about 9:00 when Kevin told me to go to bed, he said I was snoring too loud for him to concentrate. :0) Abby followed. I really don't mind. This is his only hobby. I hope that this year he will get to go to at least 1 or 2 games. He didn't get to go to any last year, but he was a very good sport about it. I bought Abby a little jersey to wear for the games. Kevin told me that he wanted one too. At least for this weekend we were both happy because Carolina won and Clemson won! GOOOOO Tigers! Today I put out our "House/Divided" flag in the yard, similar to the one I have on here.
My computer wouldn't let me fix Abby's eyes so they didn't glow.Wednesday, September 2, 2009
3rd Grade Funny
First Funny: Yesterday. One of my students had an early dismissal in the afternoon. So I told her that she had an early dismissal and she needed to get packed up. She continued to just sit and daydream. I came over to the child 3 different times telling her to get packed up, someone was waiting on her and she needed to go. She finally gets up to get her book bag. She comes back to her seat with her book bag...on her HEAD! Her whole head was inside her book bag and she was walking around with it on her head. (*Never have I seen this before.) So I come over to her to tell her to take the book bag off her head and get packed up. She finally gets everything packed up and goes to the door. She opens the door walks out and comes back in. She says "no one else is out here" (meaning there were no other children because she thought it was time for everyone to leave). I said "Yes I know, you have an early dismissal it's not time for everyone else to leave. And not joking or trying to be funny, this is my brightest child in my class and she is in the gifted program too! I was like oh my gosh! I couldn't get her for anything to understand the importance of hurrying up and leaving.
Second Funny: Today. One of my most demanding of my attention children, came up to me after lunch saying he had a cut in his mouth and it was hurting. I told him that I was sorry and the nurse had already gone home for the day (this was in the afternoon) and for him to have a seat. A few minutes later I look at him, and he has a band-aide trying to put it in his mouth to help "fix" his cut. (*Never have I seen that one before either) But in case you don't have kids or don't know, a band-aide can make anything "magically" better. I mean it, they think a band-aide could solve anything. Back to my story, I was like, no! A band-aide can't go in your mouth. Throw that away. I'm sorry you have a cut, but a band-aide isn't going to help.
Wow! and it's just Wednesday!