Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ready for the big game

Kevin and Abby are ready for the big game tonight. It was cloudy all day today and started raining about 3:00. I have taken the day off today, by doing nothing. Abby and I slept in until 10:00 this morning which is late for me. I am normally up between 8:30-9:00 on even Saturdays. I used to always sleep until 10 or later, but not anymore. My body is so used to being up by 6:00 every school day, that I just don't sleep that late any more. But we have gotten caught up on our rest today. I watched tv movies until sometime this afternoon, then I have just played around on the computer. Now, Kevin's ready to watch football for the evening and I guess I'll work on grading papers and homework after fixing supper, whatever that will be. It has been a relaxing day and most definitely a day that you didn't want to venture outside unless you had to.

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