I can't believe that I am 20 weeks already! It has gone by so fast and I'm sure the next 20 weeks will too. I'm feeling good; almost normal. I have just gotten over a sinus infection, but other than that...I still can get tired easily if I do too much. I am still wearing my regular clothes and haven't gain any weight yet. I lost 7 pounds going through the first 3 months, so I have gained that back, but I'm back at the weight I was before I got pregnant. Even though Miss Madalyn was 11 oz. which according to the baby sites and book she is half an oz. over the average (average at this stage being 10.6 oz).
20 weeks 1 day: November 14, 2010

I told everyone at school the news of it was a girl. I finally told my kids Friday afternoon before it was time to go home. I was waiting until we knew what it was before I told. They were excited and all of them when I told them it was a girl said "aw". Then the questions started coming. Who will our sub be? (haha-already planning on acting up more than normal, but I didn't tell them that yet). One girl wanted to know her name. One said, "yeah, she will have to miss school some to have the baby". I told them the baby was to come in April so it would be near the end of the school year. One boy came up to me and asked "Mrs. McCormick, the baby's in your tummy?" They all wanted me to bring the baby to school once she came. So it is officially out over the school now. Then Friday, I was excited to find out that one of my fellow 3rd grade teachers was also pregnant; she was 8 weeks and due in June. So, I'm not the only pregnant one now. She had actually came to me when I first told them I was pregnant and told me that they were starting to try, so I was very happy for them.
Another bit of exciting news, is that my best friend from high school, Lindsey, is also pregnant. Lindsey is actually 12 weeks and due May 21st. I have known for awhile, but I have been waiting to announce that on my blog. When I first started telling people, I called Lindsey and told her that I had something to tell her...that I was going to have a baby. Well, then Lindsey says, well I have something to tell you...I said what....I have to tell you the same thing. I was like what!? So, when we went to Greenville that weekend to tell my family, Lindsey and I met up for lunch to share the excitement of us both going through this together. She is doing very well so far. She is almost to the 2nd trimester, and I told her that she would soon start to feel better and have more energy. She has been very sick with a sinus infection then it went to bronchitis. But its so neat that we are 7 weeks apart. Our prediction is that she will have a girl too.
For all of you moms out there, if any of you have any advice on certain items that you registered for, for you baby and you love or didn't love, please let me know. There is so much to choose out there. I have gotten some input from my sister-in-laws, and some other people that I know have had a baby in the past 2 years. But any advice or help to a first time mom, would be greatly appreciated!
I took some pictures of what we have gotten or bought so far for the baby.
This was the first thing I bought. I actually got this giraffe the end of June or the first part of July, I can't remember. I went to Aiken one day with my sister-in-law, Katelyn. We were in Books-A-Million and found these TY stuffed animals. She picked out a dalmatian for Hunter and I just thought the giraffe was too cute to pass up. So I got 2; one for Hunter and one for our baby. (Which at the time I wasn't pregnant, but we were trying)

When we were at Tybee Island, we went into Savannah one day to shop. I found this cute, black poodle. (I know its kind of hard to see) But this was the cutest black poodle stuffed animal I had seen yet, so I got it so our child could have their own "Abby". (Not knowing then that I was pregnant.)

Then, once we had shared our good news, we went over to visit Kevin's grandma, Ms. Thelma, to show her the pictures. She went ahead and gave me the baby's Christmas present and it was a Winnie the Pooh quilt someone had made.

I told everyone at school the news of it was a girl. I finally told my kids Friday afternoon before it was time to go home. I was waiting until we knew what it was before I told. They were excited and all of them when I told them it was a girl said "aw". Then the questions started coming. Who will our sub be? (haha-already planning on acting up more than normal, but I didn't tell them that yet). One girl wanted to know her name. One said, "yeah, she will have to miss school some to have the baby". I told them the baby was to come in April so it would be near the end of the school year. One boy came up to me and asked "Mrs. McCormick, the baby's in your tummy?" They all wanted me to bring the baby to school once she came. So it is officially out over the school now. Then Friday, I was excited to find out that one of my fellow 3rd grade teachers was also pregnant; she was 8 weeks and due in June. So, I'm not the only pregnant one now. She had actually came to me when I first told them I was pregnant and told me that they were starting to try, so I was very happy for them.
Another bit of exciting news, is that my best friend from high school, Lindsey, is also pregnant. Lindsey is actually 12 weeks and due May 21st. I have known for awhile, but I have been waiting to announce that on my blog. When I first started telling people, I called Lindsey and told her that I had something to tell her...that I was going to have a baby. Well, then Lindsey says, well I have something to tell you...I said what....I have to tell you the same thing. I was like what!? So, when we went to Greenville that weekend to tell my family, Lindsey and I met up for lunch to share the excitement of us both going through this together. She is doing very well so far. She is almost to the 2nd trimester, and I told her that she would soon start to feel better and have more energy. She has been very sick with a sinus infection then it went to bronchitis. But its so neat that we are 7 weeks apart. Our prediction is that she will have a girl too.
For all of you moms out there, if any of you have any advice on certain items that you registered for, for you baby and you love or didn't love, please let me know. There is so much to choose out there. I have gotten some input from my sister-in-laws, and some other people that I know have had a baby in the past 2 years. But any advice or help to a first time mom, would be greatly appreciated!
I took some pictures of what we have gotten or bought so far for the baby.
This was the first thing I bought. I actually got this giraffe the end of June or the first part of July, I can't remember. I went to Aiken one day with my sister-in-law, Katelyn. We were in Books-A-Million and found these TY stuffed animals. She picked out a dalmatian for Hunter and I just thought the giraffe was too cute to pass up. So I got 2; one for Hunter and one for our baby. (Which at the time I wasn't pregnant, but we were trying)
When we were at Tybee Island, we went into Savannah one day to shop. I found this cute, black poodle. (I know its kind of hard to see) But this was the cutest black poodle stuffed animal I had seen yet, so I got it so our child could have their own "Abby". (Not knowing then that I was pregnant.)
Then, once we had shared our good news, we went over to visit Kevin's grandma, Ms. Thelma, to show her the pictures. She went ahead and gave me the baby's Christmas present and it was a Winnie the Pooh quilt someone had made.
Kevin's Aunt Wanda gave us the Gamecock rattle.
One of the teachers at school, gave me the Winnie Pooh and books. She taught 3rd grade my first year at Kelly Edwards and has been in 5th grade the past two years. She had a baby last October. And once I shared with her my news, she was very excited for me.
My mom bought Kevin and I this Christmas ornament to remember this special time in our lives.
When Kevin and I went to the mountains, I found this book and just had to get it. It's a sweet story of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Kevin's mom, Mrs. Katie, bought the baby it's first Halloween outfit. (we didn't know then for sure what the baby will be)
Kevin's mom, Mrs. Katie, bought the baby it's first Halloween outfit. (we didn't know then for sure what the baby will be)
Then, Mrs. Katie was in Tennessee with Mr. Tim at a show for the compost. Once we called her to tell her it was a girl, she went shopping and bought some cute outfits for Madalyn. It's funny that she picked up too lavender outfits, because I am more of a purple person than a pink person, always have been. I like pink, but I like the dark and hot pinks better than the pale and baby pinks.
I love all the items you have posted! Really sweet things! Please know that you can borrow the bassinet that Katelyn is using for your baby Madalyn also. Enjoy this special time in your lives.
Love - Aunt Wanda
Cute. We have that same Gamecock rattle! :) Looks like you have lots of fun things!
The only thing that I found indispensible was our bouncy seat. It vibrated and played several little songs and noises and of course you could bounce it. For the first several weeks Nathan tooks better naps in it than he did in his crib. I think it was because he felt more snug and swaddled in it plus the vibration helped soothe him too. As he got older, we fed him his baby food it, etc. Very helpful for the first 6 months. All the other "stuff" like swings, bumbos, boppies, etc., I used only off and on. I wish I had registered for more necessities like big quantities of infant tylenol, baby laundry detergent, baby wash, etc.
Thanks Wanda for letting us borrow the bassinet. By the time we will need it, Hunter will be in his crib.
Thanks Mandy! Any advice you have I"ll appreciate hearing it. You just don't know being a first time mom.
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