Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, April 3, 2011

13 Days with Madalyn

It's been 13 days since I had Madalyn and time has flown by. It has been a roller coaster of emotions for me. Having the surprise and shock of my water breaking in Logan's to an emergency c-section, and a baby that came 14 days earlier....etc. I still at times don't realize that she's here and can comprehend all that has happened these last 13 days. I can't speak from experience of having a baby "normally", but having a c-section wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. However, the recovery process has had it moments of frustration. I moved back to my bed Tuesday night and have been sleeping much better. I'm not allowed to bend down, so anything that gets dropped on the floor, I have to leave it and wait for someone else to pick it up. (My mom has been with me since Madalyn came, so when she left today, she has made sure to leave things I would use all the time where I could get to them). I also have had to get Kevin to help me with a shower because of the bending and getting in and out of the tub shower is difficult. My pain has gone from..it hurts too bad to move, to just being sore. So that part is better. The worse thing I've dealt with from the c-section is the gas pains. I know that sounds funny and maybe more info than you wanted to know, but anyone whose had abdominal surgery will understand where I'm coming from. However, my family and Kevin's family, and Kevin have all been great to help me out. Now, as far our lives go to changing due to Miss Madalyn....lots of changes...I am nursing or trying to. She and I have greatly improved in this area, however it's taking a lot out of me as far as my engery goes. Having to recover from a c-section, taking care of a baby on top of that, I've been so exhausted. We are giving her formula too...we think we have found some that work for her. What we came home with from the hospital did not. Our first Friday night home and our first Monday night home..no one slept. Her tummy was so upset and hurting so bad. We were constantly changing diapers. So, we decided to try her on some formula that my nephew Hunter is on, and so far, fingers crossed it has worked for her. But I'm still nursing and pumping, but I don't have enough to feed her each time, so that's why we are doing formula too. I am also so tired at night that bottles are so much easier whether its a formula bottle or a "mommy" bottle. Kevin loves to say or tell me "go hook up to the diary." She has been doing well during the night with her feeding. She eats about 10:30-11:00, then she's up at 3:00, then 6:00, so we think that's pretty good. It has been very overwhelming to me with how all this got started and happened to us having our little girl. However, I am so thankful for her safe arrival and I'm learning every day to trust in God and He is renewing my faith in Him and making my faith stronger in Him. He's blessed Kevin and I with a precious gift and I had promised Him before she was conceived that she or he would belong to Him. We are trying to savor every moment she's awake and stand over her crib at night to watch her sleep. (Never understood why parents did this until I became one) My mom has told me over and over that being a parent is one of life's greatest joys and most rewarding jobs; and to enjoy every moment.

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