Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

These Days

These days my baby is changing so fast and every day and week she is doing something new. She is getting in so many teeth. Right now she has 4 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth and another bottom tooth is on the way. She is pulling up and letting go and she can walk along the couch holding on. She is a pretty fast crawler now and it keeping up with her cousin Hunter. Where ever he goes she is close at his heels. We have started her on meats now, and she doesn't like chicken. It's actually pretty funny to watch her face when you fed it to her. I have to mix it with a fruit or a vegetable to get her to eat it. She is talking more; saying "dadadada"," hey"," yea", and last week when I was home for Thanksgiving, no lie, she looked at me and said "I love you". It wasn't as plain as you and I would say, but I have two witnesses her Nana and Grand Dad and they would tell you that she did say that. Which is the most precious thing to my ears to hear my baby girl tell me that; it warms your heart. She is clapping now like all the time; she holds her right hand still and just moves her left hand. She is blowing bubbles and like spitting. When she gets excited about something she moves her arms, legs, and hands really fast, and says "ooooooo". She loves animals, stuffed or real. She really liked my cat Evie at my parent's house and whenever you give her a stuffed animal she just laughs and smiles. She is also ticklish under her arms and will just laugh and laugh. I love to hear her laugh. She is a very happy and content baby. She wakes up happy and unless she gets sleepy or hungry, you don't hear much from her in the way of crying. I am trying to make sure to enjoy every minute of her being little because she is growing too fast and already wants to be on the move.

She is very excited about driving her car. She is saying "ooooo!"

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