Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Thank You

Thank you to all our family and friends that have expressed their sympathy to us over our loss this week. We greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I won't lie to you, as soon as I turned into my driveway yesterday, I started crying because there wasn't anyone that was running to meet me and welcome me home. Kevin said that he passed the house several times yesterday and just out of habitat looked to the porch to see if she was sitting in the rocking chair like she did every day, waiting on us to come home. Even though Madalyn is very busy and feels our hearts with more joy and love than we could ever imagine, the house seemed a little quiet last night...like something....or someone was missing. I miss my shadow that follows me around everywhere. Kevin misses her most at bed time. He said that he thought about putting a brick in our bed just to weigh down the covers like she used to. We were able to talk last night and laugh some at the funny things Abby would do. She had such a fun personality and was a very special little dog; she was our first baby and we loved her dearly. We are so thankful she chose us as her family and we are thankful for the time we had with her. Kevin said that she will be a very hard one to get over and it will take a long time, but day by day will get better and it will.

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