Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

Once again it's that time of year for Operation Christmas Child.  I really can't remember not  participating in this.  My mom and I have pack a shoebox or two ever since I was in high school and I have continued since Kevin and I got married.  So, I went to the store with my list, and gathered the items and Madalyn and I packed our shoebox. However, when she first saw the items, she thought they were for her. Which of course why would she think differently, she's two and she's an only child. So, in the simplest way possible, I tried to explain to her that these things were for a little girl somewhere in the world who unless we send her this shoebox, she wouldn't get anything for Christmas. After a few times of explaining, she realized they weren't for her, but understanding why...well maybe next year.
Our shoebox items
Packing our shoebox

It's all done!
Madalyn's preschool is part of our church and they are collecting the shoeboxes, so Madalyn carried it to school.

Madalyn and Aunt Tori aka "Toe" with her shoebox.
Madalyn's Aunt Toe is the director of our CDC program, The Creation Station.

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