Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Eric and Krissie's Wedding

I know what you are thinking, another wedding? Yep, this summer we have been busy with weddings. However, this was the last wedding for the summer for us. This couple began their walk down the aisle about two years ago...it started just before our wedding and we couldn't be more happy for Eric and Krissie. However, I must say that we will be very envious of them this week as they are relaxing and having fun in the Florida Keys, however, I am glad I don't have that drive to make tonight and tomorrow. Kevin and Eric have known each other since they were in diapers and grew up together. We don't see them often, but it's funny because any given Sunday after seeing each other at church, we always run into them at Wal-Mart. Kevin calls it our "Sunday double-date", church, then a Wal-Mart run for the week. Here's a few snap shots of their special day.

Wedding Invitation with Kevin's flower.

They got married at the First Baptist Church in Williston (This was Krissie's home church, however she told us that once they got back from their honeymoon, she was going to join Barnwell.)

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Smith (they both cried while saying their vows, very sweet)

Parents of the Bride on the left and parents of the Groom on the right.

They had a big wedding party.

The flower girl and her brother the junior groom.

The Cake

1 comment:

David Richardson said...

I like your blog! Good stuff.

Enjoyed hanging out with you and your good husband over the weekend.

David Richardson