Our yard has a lot of sand and dirt in it, just due to the fact of where we live. We have been wanting to get grass to grow for a long time. So, we decided to till everything up and put down sod, St. Augustine grass. We started working on it Friday afternoon about 5:00. Then we had to stop due to a storm, then we finally finished about 9:15pm. In a few months, hopefully it will take and spread and we will have a nice grassy back yard.
The year tilled up before the sod.

We just got 3 pallets of sod. (Sod is very expensive)

We cut the sod into strips and it should grow and spread together.

This is our most high traffic area, and we decided to do all of one pallet in this area. This is one pallet and this is all it covered. So, glad we cut the other, because it would have of been too expensive to do the whole yard like this. But I can't wait until it looks like this!

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