Here is what Madalyn is up to these days.
-She cries when you take the bottle out of her mouth. She doesn't like to stop eating or stop to burp.
-She has finally been able to take a bath like a big girl. We can get through bath time now with out crying. However, the tears come when I get her out of the bathtub; due to her being cold. As soon as I get her wrapped up in a towel, the crying stops.
-She has really started smiling at you now.
-She is making sounds other than crying; like she's trying to talk to you.
-She is sleeping about 6 hours during the night. She goes to sleep around 11 and will sleep to just about 6 in the morning.
-She is very hard to wake up from a nap. The only way to get her awake is to change her diaper. She still screams when that happens. (she has my sleep habits).
-She is very expressive with her arms and hands. She is reaching for things.
-Her eyes follow you when you walk around the room.
-She loves to swing in her swing inside and loves to ride in her stroller. She is also a very good rider in the car.
-If you put her on the floor on a blanket, she can scout from one side to the next. Normally, crying the whole time she is doing, but she has to have her "tummy" time.
-She has been holding her head up since week 2, but that's getting stronger.
She is growing and changing so much. Monday, she weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz. at the doctor's office. She goes back in 2 weeks for her 2 month check up. She also has some fat rolls now, and is now, starting to look more like her daddy. I think that is because of her complexion and that red hair starting to come out now.
Bath Time: still not completely sure this is a good idea mom. But at least I'm not screaming my head off, right?

It was a pleasant morning this morning, so I grabbed some pictures of her sitting in her boppy on the front porch. I was able to get her first picture of her smiling.
It was a pleasant morning this morning, so I grabbed some pictures of her sitting in her boppy on the front porch. I was able to get her first picture of her smiling.
Then we strolled down to the chicken houses for the first time to visit Daddy at work. She was asleep by the time we got to the chicken houses. When we walked in, her eyes popped open, extremely wide and then she started to frown. I wish I had caught that on camera; the look on her face was priceless. She didn't cry, but we very aware of this loud and strange noise she was hearing. Also, I think the frown was due to this new smell she was smelling. She was very interested in these strange creatures making all this noise.

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