Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, May 1, 2011

First Church Visit

Today, Madalyn had here first visit to church, outside my tummy. She at at 6:50 this morning and her normal routine is that after she eats her first morning bottle, she takes about a 2 hour nap. So we thought, she would sleep through church....wrong! She slept in the car on the way to church and slept through the music. Once the music ended and the preaching began, she opened her eyes. I had to take her out and rock her and try to keep her calm. It worked for the first half of the sermon. Then she had all she could take; so I took her out and changed her diaper, and went back in at the end of the service when they were singing; she was asleep again. When we got to Sunday School, she was back awake and this time she was ready to eat. After she ate this time, she went to sleep and stayed asleep for the next 2 1/2 hours; long enough for me to cook lunch and for us to eat. So, all in all I guess it was a pretty good first time in church. She always liked the music and would move around when she was in my tummy so I think that's why she got upset when the music stopped.

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