Our Family

Our Family

Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Years!

One of my friends asked me if I had New Year plans, ha ha! I haven't done anything on New Year's Eve since I got engaged, I might stay up to see the new year come in, but that's all.  I tell you, these past two weeks have been so busy. Yes, I know I have been off for the past 13 days, but out of those 13 days, I have only spent 2 of them at home all day not going anywhere.  It's been crazy busy and so full of sickness as well. 

1. Before Christmas break Kevin's Uncle Buck was diagnosed with cancer and was sent home from the hopsital under hopsice care.  (He is currently still with us; he has good days and bad days)

2. The weekend of the 16th Madalyn began to have a runny nose and coughing (which she still has to this point) Sunday, Dec.16th: We had Christmas with Kevin's Grandmas and family.

3. Tuesday, Dec. 18th: Kevin's grandma Thelma fell and broke her hip-she had surgery on Dec.20th to which this past weekend we learn that she has Merca now, Pray for healing for Grandma Thelma!

4. Wednesday, Dec.19th: Kevin's grandma Kitty wrecked her golf cart and hit a stump so hard she was thrown out of the golf cart and we to the hospital thinking she had broken ribs (thankfully she didn't, she's just very sore)

5. Thursday, Dec.20th: My mom is once again sick with bronchitis (5 years ago on this day Kevin proposed :0)

6. Friday, Dec.21st: My mom is running a fever of 102 and is thinking about having to cancel our Christmas weekend.

7. Friday, Dec.21st: My Dad's birthday and Madalyn turns 21 months old :0) Christmas with my mom's side of the family.

8. Saturday, Dec.22nd: Madalyn is really feeling bad now and I am starting to feel bad. Christmas with my dad's side of the family

9. Sunday, Dec.23rd: I realized I had a sinus infection and we had Christmas with my parnets.

10. Monday, Dec.24th: we had dinner with Kevin's parents and I helped his mom wrap parents. (With all the things and sickness with Kevin's family she had not had time to wrap presents)

11. Tuesday, Dec.25th: We had Christmas quickly, Kevin went to work, then we had lunch at Kevin's parents house.

12. Wednesday, Dec.26th: We had Christmas dinner at Kevin's parents house and opened presents with Kevin's family.

13. Thursday, Dec.27th: Madalyn and I do some shopping, looking for after Christmas deals.  Madalyn started running a fever and still has a runny nose and conjestion, coughing, etc.

14. Friday, Dec.28th: I take Madalyn to the doctor and she has an ear infection. That night her fever went up to a 102 and she threw up. I started feeling bad again.

15. Saturday, Dec.29th: Madalyn is starting to feel better, but I start coughing etc. Then Saturday when giving Madalyn her bath, I notice she has broken out in hives on the back of her arms. I call the doctor, they have to see her to give her a different medicine.

16. Sunday, Dec.30th: We go to church, then after lunch Madalyn and I go back to the doctor, she had an allergic reaction to her antibodic, so they put her on another one. We spent 2 hours at the doctor. By the time we get home, I am achy from head to toe and feel horrible, but I'm not running a fever.  However, I put myself to bed while Kevin took over with Madalyn.

17. Monday, Dec.31st: Madalyn and I both just lay around all day because neither one of us feel great. (Also, the doctor said that Madalyn's gums were swollen meaning she's getting her 18 month molars, so that adds to her not feeling well and not eating)

I have 2 days left before I go back to school on Thursday, at least I will only have to teach for 2 days and then get another 2 days off because I tell you, I am ready for summer break! Ha Ha! It's been so busy and then the few down time we have had, I or Madalyn or both of us have been sick.  No fun at all.

I hope to begin 2013 with being healthy and getting rid of all this sickness.  2012 was a good year over all but there have been many down times during this year, it began with 10 days into the year we lost our dear Abby, our poodle, and to the lost of love ones this year like my aunt Ann, and other things that I know are just life and just some things you have to go through.

 Some happy highlights of 2012 was that our baby girl celebrated her 1st birthday, Kevin and I both celebrated our 31st birthdays and 4 years of marriage.  We hope and pray that 2013 will be a lucky year, not unlucky since the number 13 is normally a bad sign.  We are prayerful of good things for this year. 

My New Year's Resolutions

I have made my New Year's Resolutions as I am sure many of you have as well.  One that I will share with you is actually one for Kevin and myself...to have more date nights.  Our last date night was, no lie, our anniversary date which was in June or at least that's the last one that I can remember having. We never go out during the week because we don't live close to anything and it's just too much going on and on the weekends, Kevin works every Saturday and by the time he gets home, he's tired and doesn't feel like going anywhere.  Which most of the time I don't either because I'm tired from school and have school work, house work, and have taken care of Madalyn. If we do go out to eat, Madalyn goes with us, which isn't that often either. So I told him that surely at least once a month or at least once every two months, he and I can have a "Date Night".  So, we will see how this works out, so babysitters....get ready for a phone call! :0)
My Top Resolutions
1. Deepen my spiritual relationship with God
2. Spend more time with my family (Madalyn and Kevin) Date Nights with Kevin
3. Find a better way to balance work and family
4. Get healthier
5. For the farm to continued to be blessed and grow
And there may be a few others, but those are the top 5.  So, here's the hard part, keeping these resolutions, which some of these are out of my hands and they all revolve around what God's plan is for myself and my family in 2013.  Happy New Year!

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