Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Madalyn's Field Trip to Edventure

I got to go with Madalyn's class and the other kindergarten classes to Edventure today. We had not been to Edventure before but we had been to the children's museum downtown Greenville when Madalyn was 3.We had a great time and it wasn't crowded at all. We played at Edventure for two hours, then ate our lunch in the park, and on the way home the teachers stopped at Krispy Creme to get dough nuts for everyone. I was glad that I was able to go with her.

Abreanna and Madalyn (this is one of Madalyn's best friends in her class)

On the bus and ready to go!

They had a butterfly garden exhibit.

Big Eddie, you can climb inside him and see his organs.

Building a parachute

Trying to see if it will fly in the wind tunnel

Going shopping...glad to see she made healthy choices to buy :0)

On the farm, which Madalyn should feel right at home :0)

Harvesting the peaches

On to the fire station
Madalyn, Melody, Abreanna, Tanner

Caroline and Madalyn

Let's make a pizza!

Veterinarian Station
Tanner and Madalyn (Tanner is another one of Madalyn's best friends)

rock climbing

Playground time at our lunch break

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