Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Madalyn's Hives Return

When I was leaving school this afternoon, I had a message from Mrs. Katie to call her. This afternoon Madalyn broke out in hives again, but far worse than the time before. She said she was hot to touch, was running a small fever, and looked like she had been painted red. You can see little bumps all over her body and feel them too. She called the doctor and they said to give her benadryl and our doctor decided to go ahead and make a referral for an allergist. One thing that I did notice was that Madalyn started pears on Saturday and Sunday she was broken out. She had not had pears since Sunday and had them at lunch today. So I don't know if there's a connection with the pears, but no more pears for her for awhile. They also said that this wasn't a reaction to her shots she had on Monday. So hopefully, we will get some answers soon with the allergist.

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