Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Words to Warm

One morning this week, we all had this encouraging story in our boxes at school, about where Teachers came from.

On the sixth day, God created men and women.  On the seventh day, He rested.  Not so much to recuperate but rather to prepare Himself for the work He was going to do on the next day.  For it was on that day-the eighth day-that God created the first Teacher.

This Teacher, though taken from among men and women, had several significant modifications.  In general, God made the Teacher more durable than other men and women.   He made the Teacher tough...but gentle, too.  Into the Teacher God poured a generous amount of patience.  He gave the Teacher a heart slightly bigger than the average human heart.  And He gave the Teacher an abundant supply of hope.

When God finished creating the Teacher, He stepped back and admired the work of His hands.  And God saw that the Teacher was good.  Very good!  And God smiled, for when He looked at the Teacher, He saw into the future.  He was placing the future in the hands of the Teacher.

And because God loves Teachers so much, on the ninth day God created "snow days."

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