Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Alexis 1 Month Old

Yesterday was my mom's birthday and it was Alexis' 1 month old birthday. My mom has been with us since I had Alexis and she has taken care of everything in the house, both girls, including me. Since I was so sick with my blood pressure I wasn't able to do much beyond helping with Alexis some. So she been doing all the house hold chores, cooking and cleaning, taking care of Madalyn, taking care of the animals, and taking the night shift with Alexis so I could rest all night, and so much more. I am feeling much better and starting to feel like my old self again. My mom went home today....so it will interesting tonight. Alexis likes to party at  night by being up at 3:0 am and staying up for about two or three hours. Kevin and I don't know what we would have done without my mom these last few weeks. So for my mom's birthday we gave her a gift certificate to get a massage at this place she likes in Greenville.  We greatly appreciate all she did for us.

Alexis at 1 month

She's a happy baby. 
She's starting to smile at you.
She loves to lay on the floor and kick her legs.
She likes to listen to music and watch her mobiles.
She likes to nap in her swing or bouncy seat.
She doesn't miss a feeding. :0)
She follows you with her eyes when you walk away from her.
She really likes listening to Madalyn talk to her.
She has been such as blessing and joy to us.  We love her and are so thankful God has blessed us with another sweet baby girl.

Kevin's Aunt Wanda made the hat and the lavender blanket for Alexis. I love the color and the blanket is so pretty and soft.

Same picture with a hat.

 Love her rolls!

Blooper: I really want to know what she's thinking here...love this expression on her face.

And I tried to get a "sister" picture. Wow! I thought it was difficult trying to get a good picture with one child, now two....the oldest one won't look at the camera for anything and the younger one either has a goofy look on her face, is cross-eyed, spits up, or gets tired of pictures and starts crying. So, I have yet to accomplish what I consider a "good" picture of both of them together.

So I did happen to catch Alexis smiling, even though it wasn't at the camera.

Sweet baby girl

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