Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Roxy is adjusting and settling into her new home very quickly. Roxy and Abby are getting along very well. They do play together; they will chase each other and wrestle. Sometimes they get a little rough and we have to tell them to stop. With Abby being so much bigger right now, I don't want her to hurt Roxy. She is so funny to watch. She will find anything to amuse herself with. The other day I came home from school and Abby came in and a leaf dropped off Abby. Roxy had the best time playing with the leaf. She also loves to play around my tennis shoes. I bought her a cat toy ball to play with, but Abby keeps taking it from her, so we can't let her play with it. The ball is small and I don't want Abby to get choked on it. Her new favorite spot to nap is on the top of one of our chairs. There is a really soft blanket up there and she feels like she is safe from Abby.

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