Our Family

Our Family

Monday, June 17, 2013

Mother and Father In-Laws

This is a continued post from my previous blog about Mother's and Father's Day.  I have not only been blessed by wonderful parents, but wonderful in-laws as well.  Many of you that read my blog know this, but Kevin's mom, Mrs. Katie, keeps Madalyn during the day while we work.  When I found out that I was pregnant and we shared the news with Kevin's family, Mrs. Katie offered to keep Madalyn.  She has been very kind to wake up by 6:30 am every school day morning to meet Kevin at the door to get Madalyn, who has just been woken up and is in her PJ's.  Mrs. Katie has taken such good care of Madalyn these past two years and I am so blessed and thankful to have her.  She makes sure all of Madalyn's needs are met (even spoiling her a bit ;0) , and if that means taking her to preschool or to the doctor, etc. she does it.  Since she use to teach 2 year olds at church, she also has worked with Madalyn on teaching her things such as colors, words, animals and sounds, etc.  Mrs. Katie also keeps my nephew Hunter, so her days are very busy with two toddlers, but she does it with a smile.  Madalyn loves her Meme and loves going to her house.  Mrs. Katie has  not only taken care of Madalyn and her needs, but she's been there for me when I need her.  Our bond became deeper on the day that Madalyn was born due to my water breaking and going into labor when she was with me. If it hadn't been for her driving me to the doctor and taking me to the hospital, I don't know what I would have done. 

I am also so thankful for my father-in-law, Mr. Tim.  He is always willing to help Kevin out on the farm, which in turn helps me out by getting Kevin home earlier and a little less stressed.  He is always encouraging to us and makes sure to be a constant reminder of how God has this farm and its success in His hands.

I know that many people may not have a good relationship with their in-laws, but I am so thankful I do since my family is three hours away.  I know that three hours isn't that far and it can be done in a day, but when you need someone in a hurry, three hours is too far.  You may wonder how we developed this good relationship, one way was that when Kevin and I were dating, I would come and stay at their house for the weekend.  So our connection was on a different level.  Thank you Lord for blessing me with such wonderful in-laws.  I am so thankful to have them.  I love you!

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